Architecture Fort Marlborough

Citadel is a armed services locations or buildings erected specifically, reinforced together with covered used to protect an installation, area, troops from enemy assail or for command of an area.

Some Marlborough fort edifice components include:

Revaline is angled iii defence strength building, to a greater extent than oftentimes than non located at the exceed of the trench inwards forepart curtine connected yesteryear yoke to the fort buildings. At Marlborough fort, component revaline initially serves equally a defense. However, during afterward functioned equally good equally social facilities. This is evidenced yesteryear the iii pieces of the tomb is the tomb of Thomas Parr, Charles Murray together with Robert Hamilton. In improver to the iii tombs tesebut at that topographic point are likewise iv plaque is inwards English linguistic communication pasted on the walls of the entrance gate that reads: George Thomas Shaw, who died on 25 Apr 1704, Richard Watts, who died Dec 17, 1705 at the historic menstruum of 44 years, Henry Stirling who died inwards Apr 1744 at the historic menstruum of 25 years together with Capt. James Coney, who died inwards Feb 1737 at the historic menstruum of 36 years.

Outside the edifice at that topographic point is a moat some the castle alongside a moat depth of 1-3 meters together with a width of 7 meters. The roving ditch used equally a kickoff defence strength against enemy attacks together with disposal of H2O current from the fortress. To connect alongside curtine component revaline built a yoke equally a link. Curtine a major defensive wall revaline a fortress located betwixt 2 bastions.

Bastion is the component that juts out located at each corner of the fort. Keletakannya allows i to shoot without having to exhibit himself together with tin sack shoot inwards whatever direction freely. Was kickoff developed yesteryear the Italians inwards the like shooting fish in a barrel fifteenth century together with early on sixteenth century. At Fort Marlborough at that topographic point are iv bastions that bastion northern, eastern bastion, bastion southern together with western bastion. Bastion West had a room that functioned equally a prison theatre equally much equally two-room together with basement.

Building betwixt the eastern together with southern bastions, at that topographic point are v rooms alongside connecting doors that overall equally much equally xiii pieces shaped door bars. Building the southern bastion together with bastion westward is divided into 2 sections separated yesteryear a hallway principal gate. Buildings westward side consists of iii rooms separated yesteryear a partitioning wall. Building east, at that topographic point are 7 rooms were constrained yesteryear the bulkhead wall. Building betwixt western together with northern bastion currently alone line of the one-time flooring of the building, the form of the edifice tin sack non last unknown anymore. Building betwixt the northward together with eastern bastion is divided into 2 buildings separated yesteryear a hallway behind the gate. On the westward side door of the edifice consists of iii rooms. Building the eastward side of the door consists of 4 rooms.

At Fort Marlborough at that topographic point are iv turrets at the exceed of the bastion. Each i cannon on bastion to the northward together with south, 2 cannons inwards eastern bastion, alongside the sort of caliber cannon 10 cm.

Fort Marlborough role equally the oculus of defence strength at the fourth dimension of the Great Britain to last reduced, together with functioned equally a trading base. This was shown inwards 1803 the EIC Board decided to brand Fort Marlborough equally a oculus for spice stockpiling of English linguistic communication throughout the East Indies.

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